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Unit of Education: SMA 8 kota jambi
Subject: Chemistry
Class / Semester: XI / 2
Topics: Colloids
Sub Topics: Colloidal Properties
Time Allocation: 1 x 3 JP

A. Core Competencies
KI 1: Living and practicing the religious teachings it embraces
KI 2: Living and practicing honest, disciplined, responsible, caring (polite, cooperative, tolerant, peaceful) behavior, courteous, responsive and pro-active and showing attitudes as part of the solution to problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment And in placing ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world.
KI 3: Understand, apply, analyze factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge based on his knowledge of science, technology, arts, culture and humanities with the insights of humanity, nationality, state and civilization on the causes of phenomena and events, and apply procedural knowledge to the field Specific studies according to talent and interest to solve problems.
KI 4: Processing, reasoning, and recruiting in the realm of concrete and abstract realms related to the development of the self-study in schools independently, and capable of using methods according to scientific rules

B. Basic Competencies and Indicators
3.15 Analyzing the role of colloids in life based on their properties
1. Mention the notion of Tyndall effect
2. Using Tyndall effect in distinguishing colloids and true solutions
3. Explain the application of Tyndall effects in everyday life
4. Analyze the relationship of Tyndall effect with the wavelength of light
5. Explain the process of Brownian motion in the colloidal system
6. Summing up the relationship between Brownian motion with the state of the colloidal system
7. Mention the notion of colloidal adsorption
8. Determine the application of colloidal adsorbtion in everyday life
9. Mention the principle of the occurrence of colloidal sol load
10. Summarizes the relationship between colloid loading and colloidal stability
4.15 Asking ideas / ideas to modify colloid-making based on the experience of making several colloidal types
1. Design experiments of Tyndall effect in distinguishing colloidal systems and true solutions
2. Conduct experiments Tyndall effect in distinguishing colloidal system and true solution on some materials that exist around it
3. Observe and record data of experimental results of Tyndall effect in distinguishing colloidal and solvent systems true to some of the ingredients around them
4. Analyze the experimental data of typical properties that differentiate the colloidal system with the solution
5. Summing up the nature of the solution based on the typical properties that distinguish the colloidal system with the solution
6. Communicate experimental results of typical properties that differentiate colloidal systems with solutions

C. Learning Objectives

1. Students can realize the regularity of the colloidal nature as a manifestation of the greatness of God YME.
2. Students can show positive attitude (individual and social) in group discussion
3. Students can demonstrate the behavior and attitude of receiving, appreciating, and carrying out honesty, thoroughness, discipline and responsibility
4. Students can mention understanding of understanding Tyndall effect
5. Students can Use Tyndall effect in distinguishing colloids and true solutions
6. Students can explain the application of Tyndall effect in everyday life
7. Students can analyze the relationship of Tyndall effect with the wavelength of light
8. Students can explain the process of Brownian motion in the colloidal system
9. Students can conclude the relationship between Brownian motion with the state of the colloidal system
10. Students can mention the notion of colloidal adsorption

D. Learning Materials
• Facts

O Homogeneous
O Heterogeneous

• Concepts

O Colloids
O Tyndall Effect
O Brown's motion
O Colloid Charge
O Electrophoresis
O Adsorption
O Coagulation
O Protective Colloid
O Dialysis
O Lycophole Colloid and Lycopholus Colloid

• Principles

O Tyndall effect in distinguishing colloidal system and true solution on some of the ingredients around it
O Typical properties that distinguish colloidal system with solution
O Procedures
O Step Tyndall Effect experiment work in distinguishing colloidal system and true solution on some of the ingredients around it
A characteristic characteristic that distinguishes colloidal systems with solutions is by Tyndall experiments. When a solution is irradiated with a beam of visible light then the beam is absorbed and only a small part is emitted. When a beam of light is passed to the colloidal system then the ray will be transmitted by colloid particles, so that the light through the colloidal system will be observed as a light path.
This characteristic colloid is called by the name of Tyndall effect. In addition to colloid type of sol, Tyndall effect can also be seen in colloid type aerosol. In everyday life, the Tyndall effect can be seen in the event of the projector's light beam clearly visible in the cinema building that has a lot of cigarette smoke, and so on
1. Tyndall effect is a process of scattering light by colloidal particles
Examples in everyday life:
A. The occurrence of red and orange in the sky in the morning or afternoon and the occurrence of blue in the sky at noon
B. Highlight car or motorcycle lights when the air is foggy look more clear
C. Highlight the projector lamp in the cinema will be obvious when there is cigarette smoke. This results in the movie image on the screen being blurred

2. Brownian motion is a random motion of colloid particles, due to collisions with particles of the dispersing medium
Example: pollen in water using ultra microscope
3. Adsorption is the process of absorption of ions or microorganisms by the surface of colloidal particles, causing colloidal particles to be electrically charged.

A. The process of separating metal minerals from the ore in the metal industry
B. Purification of sugar cane in the process of making sugar using diatomaceous soil and bone char
C. The healing process of abdominal pain due to pathogenic bacteria using noritic or carbon powder
D. Purification of water with alum in drinking water treatment process
4. Electrophoresis is the process of moving colloidal particles due to the influence of electric fields.
Example: electrophoresis events are often used by the police in identifying the bodies of murder victims or unidentified bodies through DNA testing.

5. Coagulation is a clumping of colloidal particles by heating or by ion opposite the charge.
A. Clumping of mud or clay in the water purification process using alum
B. The process of forming the delta in the estuary, koagulannya sea water which is the electrolyte
C. Clump dust or factory smoke with electric coagulation devices (Cottrell sedimentation)

6. Dialysis is a way of reducing the disruptive ions present in the colloidal system by using a semipermiabel membrane.
Example: the process of dialysis for patients with renal failure (hemodialysis)

7. Colloid Protector is a Colloid that can protect other colloids to avoid coagulation
A. Gelatin, a protective colloid that prevents the formation of ice crystals in ice cream
B. Casein in milk can protect the fat or oil in a liquid medium, the protective colloid emulsion called emulgator
C. Lecithin, is a protective colloid that stabilizes the fine granules of water within the margarine

8. Colloid Liofil and Liofob
The lyophil sol is a sole whose dispersed phase has a great affinity in attracting its dispersing medium
The lyophob sole is a sole whose dispersed phase has a small affinity to the dispersing medium
Difference between lyophil sol and lyophob sole

Colloid Lycophino Lycophino Lycophyte
Adsorbs the medium.
Examples: glue kanji, gelatin.
Difficult to precipitate.
The Tyndall effect is less clear
More thick than the medium. Not adsorbing the medium.
Example: sol Fe (OH) 3, sulfur sol.
Less stable
Easy to precipitate
The Tyndall effect is clear
The viscosity is almost the same as the medium


  1. What do you think about LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION PLN Colloids?

    1. Just like any other learning plan. Colloid describes material matter only

  2. what are you think about factors affecting colloids? thanks

    1. The repulsive force refuses because the overlapping of electrically charged layers of the same force will make the colloidal dispersion unstable

    2. The repulsive force refuses because the overlapping of electrically charged layers of the same force will make the colloidal dispersion unstable

  3. Balasan
    1. Dialysis is the elimination of colloid loading by inserting colloids into the semipermeable membrane by inserting colloids into the semipermeable membrane.

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. Dialysis is the separation of colloids from dissolved ions or molecules of small dimensions, or crystalloid, in a solution

  4. Balasan
    1. To be a guide for teachers in the learning and learning process in the classroom

    2. To be a guide for teachers in the learning and learning process in the classroom

  5. What is included in the stoichiometry and explain each

    1. Stoichiometry is the study of the quantitative relationships or ratios between two or more substances undergoing a physical change or chemical change (chemical reaction). The word derives from the Greek words: stoicheion (meaning "element") and metron (meaning "to measure"). Most often, stoichiometry calculations deal with the mass or volumes of products and reactants.

  6. like where i create a good lesson plan? try to explain

  7. We can make a good lesson plans wiht Following predetermined structures and curricula


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